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Announcement on the infringement about misappropriation of our company's promotional materials

2023/08/17 | Lithium Forklift Battery | 0

As you are already aware, BSLBATT owns copyright rights in the information and content, including text, layout, photographs and images appearing on the website www.lithiumforkliftbattery.com. It has recently come to our attention that Huizhou JB Battery Technology Limited and Guangzhou MeritSun Power Co.,Ltd has continued to reproduce BSLBATT’s copyrighted information and content on the website www.lithiumforkliftbattery.com, without authorization from BSL Battery and such plagiarism has seriously violated our relevant rights and interests. 

JB Battery

Below are examples depicting Huizhou JB Battery Technology Limited and Guangzhou MeritSun Power Co.,Ltd continued unauthorized use and violation of BSLBATT’s copyrights. These unauthorized usages are likely to deceive the public as well as BSLBATT’s customers and/or suppliers, and create confusion, as to the existence of a relationship between BSLBATT and the website www.forkliftbatterymanufacturer.com and www.meritsunpower.com and its owner and/or operators, or as to some sponsorship, approval, or endorsement by BSLBATT of that website including its contents. As there is no such relationship, sponsorship, endorsement, or approval, the unauthorized use of BSLBATT’s content (including its photographs) constitutes false sponsorship, false endorsement, and According to Article 217 of the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", the crime of copyright infringement refers to the act of copying and disseminating works such as texts, audio-visual products, and computer software without the permission of the copyright owner. Books, copying and distributing audio-visual products without the permission of the producer, producing and exhibiting counterfeit works or works of art signed by the author, making huge illegal gains or other serious acts. A natural person who commits this crime shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also be sentenced to a fine; if the amount of illegal gains is huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years and shall also be fined. If a unit commits this crime, the unit shall be fined, and the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible persons shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of this article.


Through the years, BSLBATT® has used and promoted its products extensively and has built and developed the goodwill and reputation. MeritSun and JB Battery continued unauthorized infringing usages appears to be intended to unlawfully capitalize on BSLBATT’s goodwill and reputation, and any suggestion of affiliation, connection, and/or association with or between BSLBATT® and MeritSun and JB Battery because of MeritSun and JB Battery copying, may also hamper BSLBATT’s reputation. MeritSun and JB Battery continued use of BSLBATT’s copyrighted content (text, images) is particularly troubling in light of MeritSun and JB Battery interactions with various suppliers and exhibitions at tradeshows. 


Such a practice of opportunistically copying others' works without any effort not only infringes on the rights of the originator and causes unfair competition, but also deceives the consumers. We believe that a company that is stacked up by using the means of copying and stealing information is also unlikely to provide good credit protection for its customers.

At present, we have negotiated amicably with the relevant companies who have misappropriated our information to take down and delete their contents. If such incidents are found again, we will resort to law to protect our rights and interests and reserve the right to pursue the relevant economic losses.

Here, we welcome friends to supervise and report, resist this illegal behavior together, and work together to create a healthy and harmonious communication space.

About the Author

Lithium Forklift Battery

Since 2012, served as chief engineer in our company, won a “Hefei gold worker" and another honorary title, its lead type low-temperature water system 76 Ah aluminum shell lithium iron phosphate power battery won the fifth worker in Hefei title of “Excellent" technology innovation achievements, Leading the development of ternary aluminum shell, water system lithium iron phosphate aluminum shell, water system lithium iron phosphate plastic shell and other products.

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